Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Coupon Clipper Rule Number #1

Welcome back to my blog or welcome if you are joining us for the first time. I am really enjoying my new hobby, and that is finding great deals at a great price. I pull from many different sources when it comes to the deals and coupons for free. So, check out

they too not only have the coupone printing sites, but other bloggers as well that let us know of those SUPER deals.

Again, I will be posting the coupon sites directly here sometime in the near future. So if you don't already, buy MORE than one Sunday paper to get those extra savings and a rockbottom price and stock up!!!! I know they say, "time is money." Well to me, time is SAVING money. I know getting started can be overwhelming but once you get started and after a couple of weeks you'll have your system down. Thanks for tuning in and if you have any questions feel free to ask!!! If I do not have the answer for you, I will still find out for you anyway!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

If you haven't checked it out already, is a terrific blog. My friend Jenny at had me take a look and I have been hooked ever since!