Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Economy

In today's America, people are losing jobs and homes faster than ever thought possible. Some people are weighing options like, is it really worth the other spouse having that job, putting the kids in daycare?! Gas is rapidly going up, and not sure it will decrease anytime soon. So what other options are there??? That is where this blog comes in handy. It will help you revise your current budget and show you ways to cut the cost of "living" in about half.

The reason I have started this blog is for multiple purposes, but first things first. I was addressed this blog by a life long friend of mine. She did not know what she had done for me that day, but I will forever owe her. Maybe with that extra savings we can go on a girls trip!!! Thank you darlying you know who you are!!!! Secondly, I have become really fond of another readers blog Another money saving, money stretching blog!!!! Check these out and look for many others as well to link to. I will have many of them posted by the weekend, along some savvey deals and where you can find those extra savings!!!!!!!!!

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